Sunday, January 29, 2017

Technical Preview of Power BI Reports in SQL Server Reporting Services

Just had a chance to play with the Technical Preview of Power BI Reports in SQL Server Reporting Services. You can set up the VM yourself or download the updated Virtual Machine from Azure Marketplace.
I set up my own Virtual Machine and what you need is an instance of SQL Server 2016 or SQL Server vNext CTP v1.1. Also install Analysis Services Tabular or Multi-dimensional mode and sample database for the same.
Note: The preview version supports only Power BI Dashboards connected to Analysis Services on-premises otherwise you will get the following error.
Download  the January 2017 Technical Preview
It comprises of 3 files
  • PBIDesktopRS.msi
  • PBIDesktopRS_x64.msi
  • SQLServerReportingServices.msi
Install the SQL Server Report Services and use the SSRS Preview Configuration Manager to create the Report Server Database.
Note: You will be seeing Create Database button in the screenshot similar to the above instead of Change Database. The above screenshot was taken once the Database was created.
Install the Power BI Desktop for Reporting Services 64-bit version and create a Power BI Report connected to your Analysis Services Database. Upload your new Power BI Report created using the Preview version of Power BI Desktop to the SSRS Portal and try navigating to the report.
As you can see from the above screenshot, Power BI report opens within the SSRS Portal Browser window.
I am really looking forward for the public release of this functionality.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Azure Pricing Calculator

Pretty cool to use this tool now to calculate the pricing for the Azure features I am using or planning to use. It will allow me not getting into a situation where I end up using my credits without checking the cost for the features.
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Thursday, January 05, 2017

The IEDriverServer.exe file does not exist in the current directory or in a directory on the PATH environment variable.

Normally you get this error when you are trying to use Selenium with C#. Download the IEDriverServer.exe file either in the Debug>bin or Release>bin depending on your compilation or add the path where the IEDriverServer.exe is located in your PC to the PATH environment variable. You can download the IEDriverServer.exe from Download the 32-bit version.

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